Interview & Article by Apeiron Art.
'A constant investment in what you really love, will surely at some point bring beautiful results and clearly professional success. “For me, absolute success is to make people dream again through my own inspiration but also to inspire people to take advantage of every gift given to them without fear.
The Fairy of Spring
When one sees Eirini’s paintings for the first time, they invite the viewer to dream and travel to flowering estates and spring days full of carefree smells and colors. If peace was a season of the year, it would most probably be Spring, where nature wears its goodies and generously gives us all its beauty. Through her art you receive all the lively and playful mood of a spring day, filling your soul with gratitude and joy.
For Erini Kostelidou, inspiration has always existed, and she found ways to channel her energy and inspiration. The last 3 years, however, were crucial for her to start dealing exclusively with the art of painting.
She is a self-taught artist, and her main characteristic is that her thoughts are always dominated by colors. Looking at her artworks, one will find that they certainly express optimism, serenity and positive vibes through all the explosive combination of bright colors. Her mission towards people is to activate and trigger the brain cells to perceive life from the beautiful side.
Once she received a personal message from a father whose child was impressed and inspired by her artworks and started to paint in the same style. This made her very happy, making herbelieve that she took the right direction, with optimism, colors and joy that makes even the strictest judge feel delighted.