Pixels & fine art america present the billboard contest 2021
Upcoming Events
Each image that gets at least 100 votes will become a contest finalist and get featured on the Pixels Instagram account.
On September 15th, a panel of judges will review all of the finalists and pick twenty winning images to appear on billboards throughout the United States during the fall and winter. All billboards will be located near major metropolitan areas (e.g. Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta, etc.)
Twenty lucky winners will have their artwork featured on billboards throughout the United States!
Each billboard will be at least 24 feet wide by 12 feet tall and will prominently feature the winning image, the title of the image, and the artist's name or preferred social media handle.
The billboards will be positioned in various cities throughout the United States and will remain visible for at least one month, each, during the fall and winter of 2021.
My ''Spring Explosion'' has already 130 votes and we are waiting for the results.